Adjudication is a Dispute Resolution process whereby a neutral third party, the adjudicator, reviews submissions from parties and decides the issues in dispute within a predetermined, usually short, timeframe.
The Construction Contracts Act 2013, introduced Statutory Adjudication to Ireland for Contracts entered into after 25th July 2016.
The Construction Contracts Act 2013, introduced Statutory Adjudication to Ireland for Contracts entered into after 25th July 2016.
AdjudicatorKeith Kelliher is an accredited adjudicator, is qualified in adjudication in Ireland and meets the requirements of Section 8 (6) of the Construction Contracts Act to act as an Adjudicator.
Keith Kelliher is a current member of many Adjudicator panels in Ireland and the UK including the Ministers Panel of Adjudicators under the Construction Contracts Act 2013 in Ireland. |
AdvocateKeith Kelliher has extensive construction contract experience across all sectors of the industry from large infrastructure projects to small commercial and domestic projects. Keith has represented clients, main contractors and subcontractors in all types of disputes including payment.
TrainingKeith Kelliher is a member of the CIArb education and training faculty and regularly tutors in the area of Adjudication. Keith has also provided training on adjudication for the Construction Industry Federation.
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